
1) No False RP you will be talked to by admins or anyone with high rank
2) Remember this is a RP server not a normal GTA V Online session to mess around you will be talk to if you mess around
3) Don’t do things you wouldn’t do in real life
4)All vehicles can only have visuals and cosmetics. NO ENGINE UPGRADES, CAR HAS TO BE STOCK  
5) NO cop baiting
6) don’t start and pursuits or shootings every 10 seconds. It gets pretty annoying
7) NO maps. Go to settings and turn of your radar before starting a session.
8) If you are new you shouldn’t be driving a vehicle if you don’t haven’t bought it
10) Don’t pause to look for people ask them where or any landmarks or road name.  
11) Don’t @ people if you need something ask them but dont @ Admins Mods or Co owners. Some are at school or work. Ask people that may know
12)Dont be rude to people if you are asked something simply answer and dont be rude.  
You will have a total of 3 strikes if you break any of these rules you will be given a strike and be talked to by owners(edited)
1) Do not kill or shoot for no solid reason. This isn't a public server and the aim isnt to randomly kill. There should always be a build up and plan to killing and not random
2) Minimap use is NOT allowed by any circumstances, you can use the map you get when pressing pause, only for navigation, cops cant use it to find criminals
3) We understand that roleplay is to do things you can't do in real life BUT you CANNOT do things that are completly ludacris and wouldnt ever be done by yourself in real life, for example getting in a bad crash and walking away like nothing happend, just call ems and rp it out
4) No metagaming, basically dont do anything that is obsurd and unrealistic, dont try contact a player while they are in police custody etc.
5) Supercars are NOT allowed to be used unless you have permission from a head of command.
6) You have to use discord voice chats during sessions, no other voice chats are permitted unless your job requires it
7. If you die after getting killed by the police please don't move and wait to be arrested. you cant use being killed as a way out of doing your time
8. NO cop baiting, don't even think about purposely running red lights right in front of cops just to start an un-necessary chase. cops will not pay any attention to crimes that are cop baited
9. you CANNOT have a character whom only goal is to kill
10. Inappropriate content (Such as pictures) can result in a ban
11. No escaping from jail, if you die whilst serving your sentence just go back
12. You cant kill off a character just to get out of jail time, we also would like for you to have the same character for aslong as possible so characters can build relationships with one another and have memories and stories with one another
13. NO back stage recruiting through our community, if you are found for this you will be banned, if you are approached by another member to join their community, tell a staff member.
14. NO spamming you will be talked to.
